Cheaper vacations with BLACKSOCKS
Miles & More is the world's leading frequent flyer program from SWISS International Air Lines, Lufthansa and other airline partners. As a Miles & More member, you earn valuable miles above the clouds and on the ground and redeem them for attractive rewards.
BLACKSOCKS has been a Miles & More partner for many years. Thanks to our subscriptions, you can fly to your vacation at low cost. Because with every socks-, underwear- and T-shirt-Earn valuable Miles & More award miles with us.

Earn miles with every subscription
It pays to subscribe. Every time you order a socks, underwear or T-shirt subscription, you earn between 500 and 1,500 Miles & More miles.
Discover our subscription products now and collect award miles for your next vacation.

Earn miles with bulk purchases
Alternatively, you can also earn miles by filling your shopping basket to the brim. For purchases of CHF 200 or more will also automatically earn you 1000 award miles.
How it works
How do I earn miles?
The total miles earned will appear in the shopping cart. Check the "Earn miles" box and enter your Miles & More card number in the corresponding field. The miles will then be automatically credited to your account within a week*.
Which products earn miles?
All socks are eligible for miles, underwear- or T-shirt subscriptions, as well as all shopping baskets with a value of more than CHF 200. The total number of miles you have earned is automatically displayed in your shopping cart*.
*Please note: Our award miles cannot be combined with other discounts and promotions.