5 survival tips for your socks
Taking proper care of your socks can extend their life by several years. So that you can enjoy your socks for as long as possible, we have put together the five most important survival tips for you - as a replacement for the missing label, so to speak. So you know how to wash and care for your socks.
If you have any further questions or comments about sock care, just write to us.

1. before the wash cycle
Do not puncture your socks with sharp objects. Razor blades, kitchen knives, fountain pens, letter openers or unkempt toenails can irrevocably cut through the wonderful fabric and lead to the premature end of sock enjoyment.
To protect your clothes - not just your socks - in the washing machine, it is best to close all items of clothing with zippers. Otherwise the fabrics will be strained during the spin cycle.

2. wash the socks, do not scald them
Treat your socks like living creatures. Of course your socks always want to feel clean, but that's no reason to boil them. A bath in the washing machine at 40° C is more than enough for sock care. Merino wool socks like a maximum temperature of 30 °C.

Easy-care socks

3. gentle care of socks without chemical weapons
Hardly any other item of clothing is as close to your body as your socks, so they hardly deserve to be tortured with bleach or stain remover. Delicates and wool detergent are all you need to care for your second skin. Preferably without enzymes, as these destroy the fibers of the socks.

4. drying at lower temperatures
A tumble dryer produces a lot of warm air over a long period of time until it gets really hot. It hardly ever gets out of the spot, but turns on the spot and sometimes tears small fibers out of the yarn of your socks.
A tumbler like this is a real instrument of torture for your socks and can drastically shorten their life. Better keep your socks away from these things. Socks like it cozy and like to hang around. That's why it's best to choose the washing line for drying.

5. don't forget: socks are social creatures
In the wild, socks never appear alone, but usually in groups of two. Alone, they feel lonely and sometimes become useless.
To prevent this, we suggest taking your socks off together and leaving them together. This way you can prevent individual socks from dying alone under hotel or other beds and their counterparts from languishing in drawers because of the pain of separation.

How does a sock subscription help me wash my socks?
With a sockscription, you regularly receive the same type of socks delivered to your home free of charge. The advantage of this is that you no longer have to sort socks after washing. In addition, a widowed sock can also remarry with any other sock in the subscription.
Save time, not only when shopping, but also when doing all your laundry.

Business Light Socks: safe for beginners
The Business Light socks are made of mercerized cotton, which makes the fabric light and smooth. Two of many reasons in favor of these socks:
If you like a light feeling on your feet and want to wash the socks without complications. Washed at 40 degrees, dried after a short time.